Saturday 7 April 2012

Today: I Vent!

I’m having an issue here and I have to vent about it before I go nuts and do something I’ll regret. What’s my issue? Well, I’m glad you asked! My problem lies in the three inch screen.

Yeah, you heard me right. The three inch screen! It seems like everywhere you go; people can’t take their eyes off of their phones.

We’ve grown entirely too attached to our cell phones. I admit it; I’m bad, but not as bad as a lot of people I know. Digital contact is replacing face to face contact. Texting, emails, instant messaging; it’s crazy. It seems like people would rather send a message than actually talk to you. I have actually received text messages from people in the same room with me. Really? What the hell is that all about? Just talk to me! We are losing our real connections to our friends and family because we are so wrapped up in electronic communication. It’s been a creeping plague. First it was just a phone for emergency contact or business use. Then we added texting, handy for keeping tabs on the kids. Next came the internet with all its bells and whistles. Oh I admit it is nice to be able to look something up while you’re out and about, but there are limits.

Tell me why you would pay big money for tickets to a concert or major sporting event and then spend the entire game texting or surfing the web on your phone? Holy bloody hell! It drives me bat shit crazy! It’s all I can do to keep myself from grabbing their phone and pitching it across the Saddledome. Grrr.

Can we not resist the lure of that three inch screen for a couple of hours? Can we not go to an event and spend one evening without contacting other people? Will whatever you’re looking up on the internet not wait until after the game? Do you really need to follow the game on the web while you are AT the game?

I swear that some of these kids could be at an historic event, watching it happen live and be busy trying to find it on You-Tube rather than actually paying attention. Gak!

It’s the same when the family comes over for dinner. I don’t begrudge you taking phone calls, or answering an occasional text message. But if you’ve come to see me, do me the courtesy of talking to me and leave the internet alone. It is not necessary to be in constant contact with everyone you know at every second of every day. Facebook, Google and Twitter will wait. Isn’t what’s happening around you important too? Don’t you want to spend some quality time with real-live people?

The answer to the question, “Want to go for a coffee?” should never be, “Naw, I’m just going to go on chat and see who’s on Facebook.” We are in danger of losing all human contact in favor of our cutesy little phones with their three inch screens. Get a grip people, before you make me do something I regret. Because I swear that one of these days, I’m gonna grab someone’s phone and stuff it right up their ass. Enough said!

Is this an issue for you or is it just me?



  1. You are so right Katie. Couldn't have vented better myself!

  2. Cat:
    I really don't understand it myself. A cell phone is certainly handy, but there is no reason to spend every waking minute on the thing. Enough is enough.



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