Let me start this post off with an apology. I've been missing in action for way to long. Life has been busy. Lots of writing stuff happening, and lots of family stuff too. I shall endeavor to keep you updated on my work and my life with greater efficiency in the future.
The impetus for today's post comes from Raine Balkera who wants to know what everyone is working on ATM. Details & conundrums, plus five bonus points for including a wee bit of your favorite scene.
What I am working on is diverse to say the very least. I'm a bit disorganized with my work. I typically have three or four stories in various stages of completion. Right now, I have book one of my small town series at my agent's for editing. I'm editing the extremely rough draft of book two. I've got three erotic novellas underway. I'm working on a novella for a box set, and a novel for an anthology. It's a wonder that the stories don't get mixed up in my head.
This excerpt is from the first of a series of erotic vignettes I'm working on. They'll be short stories that all tie together, but also stand alone. Keep in mind that it is in rough form, exactly as it was written on the first draft.
“Look, Macy, I know it isn’t something
we would normally do, but I think it might be worth considering.”
“No.” Was he out of his mind?
“Just no? You aren’t even going to
consider it?” Jack stared down at her, daring her to deny him. “Isn’t our
marriage worth it? Aren’t I worth it?”
His shoulders were tense, his hands
fisted at his sides. The corded muscles of his arms bunched and twitched with
tension. He was angry, he was disappointed in her, but she couldn’t do what he
asked. There was no way in hell.
“Jack, it is insane too freaking insane.
I can’t believe you would even suggest such a thing.” God, where did he get
these retarded ideas? She refused to even consider it. Surely people didn’t
actually do things like that? Did they? She couldn’t really be that naive,
could she?
“Look,” Jack sighed. “Just think about
it. I’m not asking more than that. Just consider the idea. I’m on night shift
tonight. I’m heading out for dinner with Jason before our shift starts.” He
gave her a pleading look. “Please, Macy. For me, for us, consider it. Because
if we can’t figure out where things went wrong between us, I don’t think I can
keep living like this.”
She didn’t blink, she didn’t even move.
She sure as hell didn’t cry. She just stood there motionless, her entire body
tensed up to control the shivers that wracked her curvy body. She stood, and
watched his shoulder droop in defeat before he turned and walked away from her.
Five minutes later she heard the garage door open, his jeep flare to life and
tires peel as he drove away, the garage door rumbling shut behind him.
She fell to her knees, unable to stand
any longer. Anger, tension, disappointment and confusion battled within her
robbing her of all her strength. She knelt there her arms wrapped around
herself for comfort until her knees and back ached from the strain. Unable to
stand the strain any longer, she dropped to sit on the floor, pulled her cell
phone out of her pocket and punched in the number of her best friend, Ashley.
would know what to do. Ashley always had answers. But more importantly, four
years ago, Ashely and Jason’s marriage had been on the rocks too but they had
found a way to pull it back together and now they were happier than they had
ever been.
“Ash,” Macy whispered when her friend
picked up. “Come over. I have a Ben and Jerry problem.”
“How bad?” Ashley asked.
“Chunky monkey, black cherry, vanilla
and butter pecan bad.”
“Give me fifteen minutes. I’ll drop the
kids at Mom’s and hit the grocery store.” The phone clicked in Macy’s ear. The
silence was deafening.
Was this what she faced with Jack gone?
Total silence? God she couldn’t stand that.
What the hell had gone wrong? Seven
years ago they had been madly in love, now they barely spoke. They were like
two ships passing in the night. Three weeks ago, Jack had moved out of their
bedroom and Macy hadn’t slept since.
She crawled to the fireplace and hit the
switch and it roared to life. She held her hands towards the gas flames. It
wasn’t a real fireplace, but it blasted heat and warmth, and she was cold. So
cold. Chilled to the bone, it felt like her heart was frozen. She couldn’t lose
him. God, she couldn’t live without him. But she couldn’t do that.
She could barely think the words he had
hurled at her in his disappointment. How could she even say them, let alone do
it? People didn’t really do that did they? Surely it was all made-up for movies
and books.
But Jack said it wasn’t. He had told her
he looked into several options.
Several options? She remembered shouting
at him. She hadn’t known such a thing even existed, but Calgary had several
options? Holy crap. She felt monumentally naive.
She knew the city had escorts,
everything from cheap street walkers to high end escorts that earned more in
one night than Macy did in a month. But she had no idea that the city boasted
at least four, and her mind whispered the words, swing clubs.
God, she blushed to the roots of her
hair and down to her toes just thinking of the words and Jack wanted to go to
one. The idea was certifiable, insane, ludicrous and completely out of the
question. But what if it were her only option to keep Jack? Then what?
She jumped to her feet and paced the
room. What the hell was keeping Ashley? She pulled out her phone to call again
and realized it had only been minutes since she called. Damn.
How was she going to explain this to
Ashley? They had been friends for years, since grade nine, and they shared
everything. But this? Sure Ashley had talked about her own marital trouble and
the group they visited to get things back on track, but how could Macy approach
this? Logically, she knew that every marriage had rough spots and that many
couples failed to make it through. But this was crazy beyond belief.
She paced back and forth across the room,
into the kitchen, through the dining room, up and down the stairs. She couldn’t
stay still, she couldn’t bank the frustration and fear coursing through her.
She circled the coffee table and stopped in front of the fireplace and picked
up a framed photograph of her and Jack taken last year at the finish line of a
fun run to raise money for cancer research.
They looked like hell, it had been
nearly thirty degrees and they had run the entire twenty kilometers. They
dripped sweat, their clothing hung limp and sweat sodden, their faces were red,
their hair slicked back and untidy. But their faces were wreathed in smiles of
happiness and pride that they had accomplished their first run together.
She stroked a finger down the image of Jack's face.
Even beat and exhausted, he was gorgeous. He was easily the most handsome man
she had ever met. She had fallen for him at first sight when the guys from his
fire station had come to inspect the office she worked at.
Dark brown eyes, dark brown hair that
was thick and lush. He was always smiling. He was ripped. Muscular and strong,
his arms, legs and back were well muscled. She loved to watch those muscled
bunch and flex as he worked in the yard or around the house. And that soft,
welcoming look he gave her every time their eyes met just made her want to melt
God, she missed those looks. He never
looked at her like that anymore.
That's it for a taste of Macy and Jack.
Now, hop on over to Brenda Margriet's blog blog to see what's up there.
Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteI think I like where it is going. It started out as a free writing exercise to get my mind flowing. I see a story and even a naughty series here.
DeleteIt's heating up fast! I have a feeling I know what her friend is going to recommend. Thanks for the excerpt.
ReplyDeleteYup. This is going to be one hot, hot, hot series. Thanks for reading!
DeleteFor a first draft piece that was awesome! :D
ReplyDeleteMishka, my writing doesn't often come out this well on the first run. Usually it takes hours to formulate what I want. But this time, I got lucky.
DeleteOh my gosh. HOW are you going to resolve this Katie Oh! Love the snippet, the reference to Calgary and the massively intriguing story question.