Tuesday 25 February 2014

Music That Moves Me

'Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.'

What is my writing process like?
I am a hybrid author. Part plotter, part pantser (as in fly by the seat of my pants.) Usually, I have a germ of an idea sparked by a dream or overheard tidbit of conversation. Characters form in my mind and I begin creating their back stories.  I rough plot out the story and then set the characters loose and follow them where they lead me. Occasionally, one of them becomes difficult and refuses to adhere to my guidelines. If I can't smack them back into place, I set them aside for their own story later. I write in fits and starts, a few words here and there, an hour here and there, then full days on end when inspiration overcomes me and I can't stop the words from flowing. Fits and starts drive me nuts. Flowing words is my nirvana.

Do you listen to music to enhance your writing?
Well, yes and no. I generally write in silence, or at Humpty's restaurant during the breakfast rush. For whatever reason I can tune that noise out, but music distracts me. If I start listening to music, my feet start tapping, my legs get twitchy and before long I am shaking it all over the living room. Don't envision that, it is NOT a pretty sight.

I do find inspiration from music. Lines from a song, old or new can trigger an emotion or scene in my head that gets absconded into my work. I love old rock, sappy love songs, and country music. I won't get into a discussion of the weirdness that lives on  my music player ... frankly it is a total embarrassment ranging from kids songs, to sea shanties, to hard rock.
 What two songs best describe your overall body of work?
I can't think of any. What songs describe total chaos and mental breakdown followed by excitement, exhilaration and completion. (Sexual innuendo not intended.... but my mind went there anyway.)

Check out the work of my writing buddy Victoria Barbour. See where her creative process takes her. Just click on her name to visit her blog. Follow our writing group through the loop and see just how strangely creative we romance writers are.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

Much Ado About Characters

'Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.'
1. Do you have a favorite character from any of your books? My favorite female character is Shayla, from Tessa's Trio. She is outspoken, outrageous, sensual and sexual. She is unashamed to be who she is. She is what we should all be. My favorite male is Peter, from Rekindled Fire. He is strong emotionally, mentally and physically. He stands up for what he believes in and puts his family first. (I won't even mention the fact that he is adorable and totally lickable.)

2. If you were him/her what would you have done differently in their situation? Shayla is a minor character in the book, but her story is underway. I'm not sure yet how she will react to her situation, except that she will go hard after what she wants. Peter takes too long to fight for himself. I would like to think that I would stand up for myself sooner than he does.

3. Do you believe in the traditional HEA or do you think sometimes characters don’t need (or maybe deserve) them? EVERYONE deserves a happily ever after ... well except total creeps and villains. I want my characters to find happy for now, or at least content. But my preference is definitely for HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Life is too short, and too uncertain to settle for less.

That is my brief take on this weeks questions.

Check out what Jo Richardson has to say about it. Just click on her name. Follow the links at the end of each of our blogs for a cross-section of writers and their opinions. Are you a writer and want in on our game? Leave a comment and I'll get back to you with information.


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Romance Weekly: Where Do Authors Get Those Twisted Plots?

'Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.'
1. What is the weirdest question you have been asked about writing? 
So far, not a lot of people know I am a writer. Occasionally, the subject does come up. Most people are impressed, a few a sceptical. Let's start this with a couple facts. I write romance, and I write erotica. I am a woman. I was talking to a reader via email, about The Gift, and in particular about a male-male scene and they asked the weirdest question I have ever been asked, by far. AND that is.... if I have done all the things I write about. I am pretty sure that being a woman, I've never had male male sex. So no, I have not experienced everything I write about. It's called research people!
2. What was the most exciting thing about your writing career so far? 
The most exciting thing that has ever happened in my writing career (aside from getting published in the first place) was when I told a woman my pen name, and she squealed and said she had read my book and asked for my autograph. Really, what are the odds of that happening? Another exciting, stop-your-heart moment was when my mother said "I read your story and I liked it." I mean ... holy hamburgers, my mother reads erotica? And likes it? YIKES! *Shakes head sadly* I did not need to know that!
3. Do you get your story ideas from real life or real people? If not, where do they come from? (This question makes me smile, because sometimes when I am reading a novel, I think "Oh my GOD, it's like the author is writing about ME.")

But, I have NEVER written about people I know, or about their stories or lives. I don't think it would be ethical, and I couldn't live with myself if I did. 

Where do ideas come from? As a writer, I get my ideas from a number of places. First and foremost, my mind is a very busy place. There are a lot of ideas, dialog and characters just floating around in there waiting to collide into a novel idea. On occasion, I pick of snatches of dialog from conversations overheard at the mall, in restaurants, and places like that. Sometimes these lead to a story, or plot twist. Stories and scenes come to me in dreams. Corralling the Cowboy (an erotic short story) was the result of a dream that followed a conversation I had with a friend during the Calgary Stampede about the attractiveness of cowboys. There are just too many fictional possibilities to steal from the humdrum existences of people I know.

All that said, I have a friend who is thinking of becoming a Doula. I had never heard of a Doula. But a woman who a non-medical person and is a pregnancy, labor coach and assists before and after deliveries would be the ideal foil for my doctor-hero in an upcoming series. So, I told my friend that the career would be perfect for the story. So, no surprises for my friend.

But then again, there are those people .................................

If you are interested in reading what  Katherine Givens has to say about these questions. Check out her blog by clicking here. And be sure to pop back in next week for another set of questions.

(PS: In case you are early, these posts are scheduled to go 'live' at 2pm Eastern. So you  might need to check back to follow the link to Katherine.)